BIM Verticals
We strive to bring full integrated project delivery to architects, contractors, and builders.
Architecture, Engineering and Construction
Integrated BIM services for building design, civil infrastructure and construction. Whether you work in building design, infrastructure design, construction, or a combination of these industries, INDBIM provides essential services at great value.

We often collaborate with architects on BIM modeling, content development and implementation.
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Structural Engineers
Being able to design, model, and document building systems so you and your collaborators visualize exactly what it's going to look like.
Working as a structural engineer is already a challenging career, and no doubt you’re always looking for ways to make certain tasks easier. Working with building information modeling can bring a lot of new ways to do your engineering work.
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HVAC Contractors
Our experts can assist in the best planning and placement of duct-work and wiring needed to keep your build running smoothly and comfortably.
After the design of a building, most general contractors will parse out the installations of mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection (MEPF), and other low voltage systems such as security, audio visual, and medical gas to trade contractors.
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Electrical Contractors
Proper, meticulous design is the keystone of Electrical contractors.
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